Local Politicians are Apex Enablers

Don’t be naïve.  Enabling starts local.  

Enablers Surrender their Duty and Authority to Protect Americans

New York City governance enabled real estate developer Donald Trump, although they had the authority to address his behavior.  3,500 lawsuits across 45 years; this American Bar Association (ABA) Journal article is shocking.  Lying, intimidation, and weaponizing the law — totally enabled. 

As in NYC, Washington DC’s city government enable licensed real estate developers.  There is NO consequence for egregious fantastical lying.  They can say ANYTHING to anyone in authority and YOU — the American senior, single mother, soldier, small business — will not be heard. 

Enablers Ruin Life & Liberty

An enabled NYC real estate developer turned our Nation upside down by lying (“Lie” is tool #4 in the ABA Journal article).  A Washington DC licensed real estate developer can do the same because lying has no consequence under the oversight of Washington DC’s city government.

Whether its the Nation or us individually, enablers such as local governing agencies will allow its citizens to be ruined, rather than to legislate adequate protections.  YOU, your property, your wealth … truth telling … is all irrelevant.  Don’t be naïve.  Fight for OUR right to live in peace.

Got $100k and five years of life to throw away?  Our family’s story is the Nation’s story.  #YouToo (could be next)!

Who Will Protect the Elderly, Single Mothers, Soldiers ... us?!

What would an elderly person do with this Washington DC licensed real estate developer?

What would a single mother, immigrant, young couple in their first home do with this?

How about a soldier deployed overseas?

Enabler Humor?

Videos and other online content were created to highlight the grief that enablers have created.  Listen to what the enabled sound like.  Those who KNOW they’re enabled truly tell their own stories the best; behaving like children more than adults, and clearly untethered.   

Shoddy governance, and profit-at-any-cost media platforms, have made it easy for us to show YOU how dangerous enablers are.  

Enablers are SO clearly impotent that, sadly, their behavior is laughable.  The deaths, harm, financial loss is in no way laughable but hear and read the noise — from the enabled — speaks for itself. 

Help US Protect YOU

 “A lie cannot live.”  MLK Jr.


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